Reference Name on Indian Visa Application Form

Updated on Oct 15, 2023 | Indian e-Visa

If you have plans to visit India, applying for an Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) is the easiest option among all the visa types available. However, while filling out the Indian Visa Application Form, you needed to provide a reference name in India in the second part of the form, which is a mandatory question that cannot be left blank. 

As this requirement can sometimes confuse Indian travelers, we aim to clarify any doubts you may have regarding the visa application process.

Mandatory Requirement of Reference Name on Indian Visa Application Form for Internal Controls.

The Indian Government's Immigration Office has implemented a mandatory requirement for reference names on the Indian Visa Application Form to facilitate their internal controls. This requirement is essential to understand where travelers plan to stay and whether they have connections in the country. It is essential to note that each country has its own internal policies that are not subject to change. Compared to other countries' electronic visa application processes, the Indian Visa Application Form is relatively more elaborate and requires additional information to be provided.

Government of India allows visit to India by applying for Indian Visa online on this website for several purposes. For example if your intention for travelling to India relates to a commercial or business purpose, then you are eligible to apply for Indian Business Visa Online (Indian Visa Online or eVisa India for Business). If you are planning to go to India as a medical visitor for medical reason, consulting doctor or for surgery or for your health, Government of India has made Indian Medical Visa Online available for your needs (Indian Visa Online or eVisa India for Medical purposes). Indian Tourist Visa Online (Indian Visa Online or eVisa India for Tourist) can be utilised for meeting friends, meeting relatives in India, attending courses like Yoga, or for sight-seeing and tourism.

Understanding the Meaning of Reference Name on the India Visa Application Form

The reference name on the Indian Visa Application Form refers to someone who can vouch for you or whom you know in India. The Indian Government's Immigration Office requires this information, and is a mandatory field on the application form.

Requirement for Two References on Electronic Indian Visa Application (eVisa India).

Apart from providing a reference name in India, it is compulsory to provide the name of a reference in your home country, as described in the application form's India Visa Home Country Reference section. Therefore, two references are required when filling out the Electronic Indian Visa Application (eVisa India).

You are required to apply for an electronic Indian Visa, the easiest type of visa in India Visa Types. Learn more at Reference Name in home country requirement for Indian Visa Online (eVisa India).

Understanding the Reference Name Requirement for Electronic Indian Tourist Visa (India eVisa)

Suppose you plan to visit India for recreation, sightseeing, meeting family members or friends, attending a yoga program, short courses, or volunteer work. You can apply for an India Tourist Visa online (eVisa India for Tourists). The reference name on your application can be anyone who falls under the above categories and knows you in India or with whom you may have corresponded. You must also provide their phone number and address. For instance, if you are visiting to meet friends and family members, any of your family members or friends in India can be listed as a reference in your Indian Visa Application. Similarly, a course teacher, administrative staff, faculty, lodging place, hotel, or place of stay can also be used as a reference in India.

Understanding the Reference Name Requirement for Electronic Indian Business Visa (India eVisa India)

Suppose you are making plans to visit India for business purposes such as selling goods and/or services, purchasing goods and/or services, technical workshops, business meetings, setting up industry, plant, or machinery, delivering lectures, attending trade fairs or exhibitions, recruitment purposes, acting as an expert or specialist, or any other legally allowed commercial venture in India. In that case, you can put an application for an India Business Visa online (eVisa India for Business). For the reference name on your application, you can provide any person with whom you have corresponded or made bookings related to your business venture in India. This can be a representative from an Indian company, seminar administrator, exhibition event manager, lawyer or advisor in India, the business fair organizing company, colleague, business partner, or commercial partner in India.

Understanding the Reference Name Requirement for Electronic Indian Medical Visa (India eVisa India)

If you are visiting India as a patient and are applying for an India Medical Visa online (eVisa India for Medical purposes) or as a medical attendant of a patient and are applying for an India Medical Attendant Visa online (eVisa India for Medical Attendant), you are required to provide a reference in India. The reference can be your doctor, surgeon, or hospital administration staff. In addition to the reference name, you must also provide a letter from the hospital for the India Medical Visa, which should contain all the necessary information for the reference name in India.

What reference name should be provided for an Indian Visa if arriving by Cruise to Mumbai or Goa but not staying in India?

Suppose you are arriving in India on a cruise ship but not planning to stay in India. In that case, you can provide the address of either the travel agent who booked your tour package or the India office address of the cruise ship company as a reference in India. You can contact your cruise ship company to obtain this information required for the Indian Visa Application Form. It is critical to note that the Indian eVisa is valid for entry at airports and seaports as listed on the India Visa Entry Ports.

Travelling is a thrilling adventure, if this adventure mixed with the cruise ship tour, then you may also want to explore India when the cruise ship anchors on the Indian harbour. Learn more at Everything you need to know about Indian Visa requirements for Cruise ship

What are your options if you lack a reference for India Visa Application Form?

Unless you have connections in India, you may mention the hotel's general manager's name and mention the name of the manager of the hotel you plan to stay at as a reference in your Indian Visa Application Form. It is always preferable to find a reference among the categories mentioned above as it may improve your chances of getting the visa. The hotel manager can be listed as a last-resort option if you're still having trouble. Remember to provide accurate contact information and address for the hotel manager.

Using Hotel Name as Reference in Indian Visa Application Form.

In the event that you cannot supply a reference in India for your Indian Visa Online application, you may use the name of the hotel where you will be staying as a reference. If so, you can enter the name of the hotel manager or staff member who can verify your stay in India. This is a common practice and is acceptable for the Indian Visa Application. However, it is recommended to provide a personal reference if possible, as .

it may help with visa processing.

Regardless of the length of stay or the reason for the trip, most foreign nationals must get a visa to enter India. Some nations are needed to apply in advance at an embassy or consulate for a transit visa to India. However, most holders of foreign passports may now apply for an Indian eVisa online to get one for transit. Learn more at Complete Guide to Understanding Indian Transit Visa.

Details required for Reference in the Indian Visa Application Form

You must include the information below for your use in India when completing the Indian. 

Visa Application Form:

  • Name of the reference
  • Address of the reference
  • Phone number of the reference

All of these details are mandatory, and you should ensure they are accurate and up-to-date. The reference should be someone who knows you or can vouch for you during your stay in India. It can be a friend, family member, colleague, teacher, or anyone else who fits the criteria for your specific visa category. The hotel manager or staff can be listed as the reference if you do not know anyone.

Information Required for Indian Visa Reference: Name, Phone Number, and Address

When applying for an Indian visa, you must mention a reference's name in India who can vouch for you during your stay. In addition to the reference name, you must also provide their phone number and physical address in India. This information is mandatory for all visa categories to process your request and application. Therefore, ensure you have this information ready before starting the visa application process.

The requirements for Indian Visa fall into few different categories. Learn more at Indian Visa Requirements.

Will the reference provided in the Indian Visa Application Form be contacted during the visa processing?

It is difficult to say for certain whether your reference in India will be contacted during the visa processing. Based on historical data, it has been observed that only a very small percentage of references are contacted, and this happens only under exceptional circumstances.

Using Yoga Institute as a Reference for Indian Visa Application Form (eVisa India for Tourism).

If you are putting in an application for an India Tourist Visa online (eVisa India for Tourism) for the purpose of attending a Yoga course, you may provide the contact details of any staff, teacher, trainer, or administration person at the Yoga institute as a reference for your Indian Visa Application.

Using a friend or relative as a reference in the Indian Visa Application Form.

Certainly, it is permissible to provide the name of a friend or family member as a testimonial in your Indian Visa Application Form.

Using Hotel Manager Name as Reference for Indian Visa Application Form for Online Bookings.

If you have made your booking online mode for your stay in India and do not know anyone in the country, you may provide the name of the hotel manager as a reference in your Indian Visa Application Form. This is a common practice among travelers who have booked online and are unsure who to name as their reference in India. Ensure you provide the manager's full name, phone number, and address to complete your Indian Visa Online application.

What if my situation is not covered by providing a reference name in an Indian Visa application?

Please do not hesitate to contact our Help Desk using the Contact Us form if you have any more queries or if your circumstance is not addressed in the abovementioned scenarios. We are dedicated to making applying for an Indian visa as easy and uncomplicated as possible.

India’s visa policy is constantly evolving and moving in the direction of increasing self-application and online channel. Visa to India was available only from local Indian Mission or Indian Embassy. This has changed with the pervasiveness of internet, smart phones and modern communication channels. Visa to India for majority of purposes is now available online. Learn more at How to obtain an India Visa online?

Compulsory Requirement for Reference Name in Home Country for Indian eVisa Application

When applying for an electronic Indian Visa (eVisa), one of the mandatory questions on the application form is about providing a reference name in your home country. This requires the name of someone you know who can vouch for you while filling out the Indian Visa Application Form. In this post, we will provide clear answers to common questions regarding this requirement so that you can easily fill out the Indian eVisa application form without any confusion.

You need to be aware that getting an Indian Visa online (eVisa India) requires a set of supporting documents. These documents are different depending on the Type of Indian Visa you are applying. Learn more at Documents required for Indian Online Visa (India eVisa).

Mandatory Requirement for Providing References in Indian eVisa Application

When applying for an electronic Indian Visa (eVisa), you must provide the names of two references - one in your home country and the other in India. This requirement is mentioned in the application form's India Visa Reference Name section. Providing accurate and valid information for both references is important, as Indian authorities may contact them for verification purposes. Therefore, ensure you have the information and consent from your references before submitting your eVisa application.

If you are filing for any of the Indian Visa Types, at a minimum you need to upload your passport for an electronic India Visa online (eVisa India) through this website. The link to upload your passport is made available to you after the payment has been successfully made and verified by us. Additional details on which documents are required for various types of India Visa are mentioned here . These documents are different depending on the Type of Indian Visa you are applying. Learn more at India Visa Passport Scan Requirements.

Answering the Question on Reference Name in Home Country for Indian eVisa Application

When filling out the electronic Indian Visa Application (eVisa India), it is important to provide the correct answer to the question on the reference name in your home country. The answer should be an actual person's name, who is alive and not deceased. The reference must be a person and not an organization. The person you name can be someone you know, such as a friend, family member, or colleague. Ensure they obtain their consent and provide accurate information while completing the eVisa application form.

Government of India has launched electronic travel authorisation or ETA for India which allows citizens of 180 countries to travel to India without requiring a physical stamping on the passport. This new type of authorisation is eVisa India (or electronic India Visa). Learn more at India eVisa Frequently Asked Questions.

Understanding the Meaning of "Home Country" in the Indian eVisa Application

It is common for visa applicants to misunderstand the meaning of "Home Country" when filling out the Indian eVisa Application. Your "Home Country" is simply the country that issued your passport. If you hold multiple passports, you should provide the reference name from the Home Country of the passport you are using to apply for an Indian Visa.

It is important to note that your Home Country is not related to where you currently livewhere you were born, where you grew up, or the nationality you previously held. It is solely based on the country that issued your passport, and this information should be used to answer the question on the reference name in your Home Country in the Indian eVisa Application.

In an initial move towards opening up of worldwide travel, the Government of India has reconsidered visa and travel limitations for Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) cardholders to visit the nation. Learn more at Indian Visa Policy for Overseas Citizens of India - 2020.

Avoiding Mistakes in Answering the Reference Name from Home Country Question in Indian eVisa Application

Many applicants make the mistake of providing the reference name from the country they are currently living in instead of the country that issued their passports. Here's an example to help clarify this:

Suppose an American passport holder lives in Singapore and wants to apply for an Indian eVisa. It would be considered incorrect if the applicant provides a reference from Singapore instead of their home country. The correct answer to this question in the Indian eVisa Application is to provide the name of a person from the country that issued their passport - in this case, the United States of America.

To avoid such mistakes, understand the meaning of "Home Country" and provide the correct reference name from that country. This will ensure that your eVisa application process goes smoothly without any unnecessary delays or rejections.

You need to have a positive outcome for your India visit. This guide will assist you in getting a successful outcome for your application for Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) so that your journey can be stress free. If you follow this guide then the chances of rejection will be minimised for your Indian Visa Online Application that you will apply online here. Learn more at Why Electronic Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) gets rejected | Useful Tips.

Using Your Children as a Reference Name in Home Country in the Indian Visa Application Form

Suppose you fill out the Indian Visa Application Form and are asked to provide a reference name in your home country. In that case, you can use your son or daughter's name as a reference, provided they live and meet the necessary requirements. As long as the person you name is a living individual and not an organization, you may choose anyone you know, including your children, as your reference name in your home country.

There are circumstances where you need to travel to India and need a visa for India in an emergency. This can be due to illness, death, legal causes or other ties that require an immediate presence. Learn more at Emergency India Visa Application.

Clarifying the Definition of "Home Country" for Indian Visa Purposes

The term "Home Country" for the purpose of obtaining a visa for India is not related to the country where you currently live. Instead, it refers to the country that issued your passport.

Understanding Nationality for Electronic Indian Visa Application (eVisa India).

When applying for an electronic Indian Visa (eVisa India), it is important to identify your nationality accurately. Some visa applicants assume that their nationality is determined by the country they are currently living in or by their work permit or permanent residency status. However, this is not the case.

For the purposes of the Indian Visa Application, your nationality is the country that issued your passport. This means that even if you reside in a different country, your nationality is still tied to the country that issued your passport.

It is essential to provide accurate information when filling out the Indian Visa Application form, including your nationality, to avoid delays or complications in the visa application process.

Government of India requires that all foreign nationals seeking an entry into India, submit an Indian Visa Application. This process of application filing can be done either by a physical visit to Indian embassy or by completing the India Visa Application online on this website. Learn more at What is India Visa Application?

Using Relatives or Parents as a Reference in Home Country for Indian Visa Application

If you are applying for an electronic Indian Visa (eVisa India), it is possible to use a relative or parent as a reference in your home country. However, it is important to ensure that the person you choose to act as a reference is alive and of sound mind.

With a view to promote tourism in India, the Government of India has dubbed the new Indian Visa as TVOA (Travel Visa On Arrival). This Visa allows citizen of 180 countries to apply only for the Visa to India. This visa was initially started for tourists and later extended to business visitors and medical visitors to India. Indian travel application is changed frequently and can be tricky, there the most trusted way to apply for it is online. Support is provided in 98 languages of the world and 136 currencies are accepted. Learn more at What is Indian Visa On Arrival?

Details Required for Reference in Home Country for Indian Visa Application

When filling out the Indian Visa Application form for an electronic Indian Visa (eVisa India), you will be asked to provide the name of a reference in your home country. In addition to their full name, you must provide their contact details, such as their phone number and address.

You can come to India by 4 modes of travel: by air, by train, by bus or by cruiseship. Only 2 modes of entry for India Visa Online (eVisa India) are valid, by air and by cruise ship. Learn more at Indian e-Visa Entry Points and Rules.

Do I need to provide a phone number for the reference in my home country?

Yes, in addition to the full name of the reference person in your home country, you are also required to provide their phone number. This is necessary for the Indian authorities to be able to verify the reference's identity and contact them if needed. Double-check that you have entered the correct phone number, including the country code, to avoid delays or issues with your visa application.

Tourism is an adventure and everyone wants to encounter it every day. Many of the people visit India each day having a purpose in mind like to explore the world, learn new things, to visit historical places, and to experience delicious food and others. Your money goes far and only you have to know about the tips and tricks on how to save money beyond just the India Visa requirements. Visiting India by air or land is simple, with immigration and custom procedure. In this whole journey you have to manage your money and time along with the process of getting Indian Tourist Visa. Learn more at Everything you need to know about Indian Rupee and Currency on India Tourist Visa and India Business Visa as a visitor.

Is providing the address of the reference name in the home country mandatory in the India Visa Application (eVisa India)?

Yes, it is mandatory to provide the address of the reference name in your home country while filling out the Indian Visa Application Form. This is in addition to their full name and phone number, and failure to provide this information may result in the rejection of your visa application.

India Immigration Authority has suspended issuance of 1 year and 5 years e-Tourist Visa from 2020 with advent of COVID19 pandemic. At the moment, India Immigration Authority only issues 30-day tourist India Visa Online. Read more to learn about durations of different visas and how to extend your stay in India. Learn more at Indian Visa Extension Options.

Using a PO Box Address for the Reference Name in Home Country in the India Visa Application Form

For the reference name in your home country's address, you can provide a PO Box address. If the reference does not have a physical address, you can use their PO Box number as the address in the India visa application form.

Indian Government has taken the fillip provided by Tourism to the Indian economy seriously, and therefore created new classes of India Visa types, and has made it convenience to obtain an Indian Visa online (eVisa India). Learn more at Can India Visa be Renewed or Extended – A complete guide.

Which phone number should I provide for the reference name in my home country - mobile or home line?

When filling out the Indian visa application form, you must provide the contact details of the reference name in your home country. This includes their phone number and address. You can provide a mobile or fixed landline number for reference. It is important to ensure that the phone number is working and that the reference is reachable at the provided contact details.

Use friends, office colleagues, or neighbors as a reference name in the home country for the India visa application.

Yes, it is possible to use friends or office colleagues as a reference name in the home country for Indian Visa Application. However, it is important to ensure that the person meets the eligibility criteria, such as being alive and of sound mind, and that you have their complete contact information, including their phone number and address. Additionally, it is recommended to choose a reference who knows you well and can attest to your character and purpose of travel to India.

We assume that if you are reading this article, then you are doing research into the cities and tourist places that India has to offer. India has rich tapestry and abundant variety, there is no shortage of place to visit. If you are a foreigner who is reading this, then you should first apply for an electronic Visa for India, after checking that you meet Indian Visa requirement. Learn more at 5 Best Places To Visit In India.

Can my spouse/partner or friend accompanying me to the India trip be my reference name in my home country?

It is possible to use a fellow passenger accompanying you on your trip to India as a reference name in your home country, provided they are also a resident of your home country, i.e., the country of your passport. You can also use your spouse or partner as a reference name in your home country.

What to do if you don't live in the country of your passport in the India visa application form?

Suppose you currently reside in a country different from the country of your passport. In that case, you may provide an official address or the name of a government body in the country of your passport as a reference. Here's an example: Let's say you were born in the United States and have a US passport but have lived in Australia for the past 37 years. In this case, if you don't have any relatives or acquaintances in the United States, you may provide the contact details of the US Embassy in Australia and the name of an immigration officer in the United States as a reference. This rare and exceptional case should only be used if you have no other options.

India is a mysterious nation to visit throughout the entire year. Be that as it may, it is conceivable to get much more from your visit just in case that you decide to go at the best season to visit India. Learn more at Best Time to Visit India.

A Summary of Providing a Reference Name in Home Country for Indian Visa Application

Here are the key points to remember:

You must provide the reference's full name in your home country, including their first name, middle name, and surname.

The reference can be a family member, spouse, friend, or office colleague residing in your passport country.

You must provide the phone number and address of the reference in your home country.

It is possible to use a fellow passenger accompanying you on your trip to India as a reference.

The reference name in your home country cannot be from where you currently reside if it differs from your country of passport.

Remember to provide accurate and complete information about your reference to avoid delays or complications in your visa application process.

Make sure to check your eligibility for the India eVisa before applying.

Citizens of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and France can apply for an India eVisa online.

You should apply for your India visa 4-7 days before your scheduled flight.

A Tourist arriving in India is overwhelmed by the choices of world heritage sites. The sites stand testimony to the ancient civilization of India that is unparalleled. Before you visit India, ensure that you have read the Indian Visa Requirements, you also need to get either an Indian Tourist Visa or Indian Business Visa. The Government of India officially recommends using eVisa method. You can use this website to get eVisa India (Indian Visa Online). Indian Visa Application Process for eVisa India can be completed from your mobile phone, tablet or laptop. If you are unable to upload any document, then you can email those to Indian Visa Customer Support. Learn more at Must See UNESCO Heritage Sites in India.

Citizens of many countries including United States, Canada, France, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, Singapore, United Kingdom, are eligible for Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) including visiting beaches of India on tourist visa. Resident of over 180 countries quality for Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) as per Indian Visa Eligibility and apply the Indian Visa Online offered by the Government of India.

Should you have any doubts or require assistance for your trip to India or Visa for India (eVisa India), you can apply for the Indian Visa Online right here and if you need any need any help or require any clarifications you should contact Indian Visa Help Desk for support and guidance.